

Food Safety Tips - Gloves

Using Gloves Safely In The Restaurant Food Business

The use of gloves does not replace hand washing. Hand washing and glove use go hand-in-hand and care should be taken not to allow gloves to create a false sense of security.

Glove Safety Rules:

  • Hands must be washed before donning gloves and after removing them.
  • Always use fresh gloves.
  • Change your gloves at least once every hour.
  • Use gloves before handling ready-to-eat foods.
  • Use gloves that fit properly.
  • Change gloves when changing jobs, such as, when switching between raw and ready-to-eat foods.
  • Change gloves after taking out the garbage.
  • Change gloves after sweeping, mopping and cleaning.
  • Change gloves if they become contaminated from Sneezing, coughing or touching one's hair or face with a gloved hand.
  • Change gloves if they tear.
  • Because perspiration causes bacteria to multiply in the warm climate under gloves, wash hands after you take the gloves off and before you switch to a fresh pair. Do Not use latex Gloves! Latex gloves can cause serious allergic reactions.


Pesticides and Food - What You and Your Family Need to Know from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  



Food Safety // foodborn illness // food safety glossary // HAACP// employee hygiene // pest control // calibrating thermometers // safe food temperatures // taking food temperatures // health inspections posted online // about restaurant health inspections // handling food safely // using gloves // Dishwashing // work safety // safe food storage // food product recalls / / hand washing // food labeling // keeping your restaurant clean


